The Genius of Birds di Jennifer Ackerman edito da Little, Brown Book Group
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The Genius of Birds





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Descrizione The Genius of Birds

'What kind of intelligence allows a bird to anticipate the arrival of a distant storm? Or find its way to a place it has never been before, though it may be thousands of miles away? Or precisely imitate the complex songs of hundreds of other species? Or hide tens of thousands of seeds over hundreds of square miles and remember where it put them six months later?Maybe genius is a better word.'Incredibly informative and beautifully written, Jennifer Ackerman's The Genius of Birds richly celebrates the triumphs of these surprising and fiercely intelligent creatures.'Gloriously provocative and fascinating. The Genius of Birds is at once a book of knowledge but also a work of wonder and an affirmation of the astonishing complexity of our world' Mark Cocker, author of Birds Britannica, in the Wall Street Journal'The Genius of Birds isn't just for experts and enthusiasts on our feathered friends. There are plenty of surprising and curious facts to keep the casual reader pecking at it' The Times

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