Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra edito da Springer London
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Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra

The Pathologic Basis





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Descrizione Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra

Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra: The Pathologic Basis is the first volume in a set of books on the pathologic basis of genitourinary radiology.   Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra: The Pathologic Basis provides a lavishly illustrated guide to the radiologic and pathologic features of a broad spectrum of genitourinary diseases of the urinary tract, including the entities most commonly encountered in day to day practice. The editors are authorities in the fields of genitourinary radiology and pathology, and the authors of each chapter are renowned radiologists, with pathology content provided by an internationally recognized genitourinary pathologist. General, plain film, intravenous pyelography, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine imaging and PET imaging of each disease entity are included. Accompanying the majority of the radiological narratives are complementary descriptions of the gross and microscopic features of the disease entities.   Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra: The Pathologic Basis is aimed at radiologists in private and academic practice, radiology residents, urologists, urology trainees, pathology trainees and fellows specializing in genitourinary pathology. Both experts and beginners can use this excellent reference book to enhance their skills in the fields of genitourinary radiology and pathology.

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