Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V edito da Springer US
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Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V


Springer US





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Descrizione Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V

Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V was developed from the fifth workshop at the University of Michigan¿s Center for the Study of Complex Systems to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information related to the rapidly advancing field of Genetic Programming (GP). Contributions from the foremost international researchers and practitioners in the GP arena examine the similarities and differences between theoretical and empirical results on real-world problems. The text explores the synergy between theory and practice, producing a comprehensive view of the state of the art in GP application. The work covers applications of GP to a wide variety of domains, including bioinformatics, symbolic regression for system modeling, financial modeling, circuit design and robot controllers. This volume is a unique and indispensable tool for academics, researchers and industry professionals involved in GP, evolutionary computation, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

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