Genesis di Jeff Ackenback edito da iUniverse
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Book One of the Endgame Trilogy







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Descrizione Genesis

For Dante Smith, a young man struggling to come to peace with his past while fi nding the courage to face his future, nothing is what it seems. When he was four, he lost his father in an odd series of events-which were immediately covered up by those involved. His mother then raised him to believe he was special. Now an adult with a family of his own, Dante suddenly fi nds himself enduring a series of near-crippling visions that begin to tear his life apart. A man from his father's past then sets Dante upon a strange path, forcing him to choose to leave his wife and join the fight against an extraterrestrial foe-but can Dante trust what he's been told? Dante must now attempt to become the type of hero his father had believed he could be, while still somehow holding his family together. He has been told so many lies that he starts to doubt his own sanity or perspective. Even though he doesn't know who to trust or who the true enemies are, there is one thing he knows for a fact: he is the only one who can fi gure it all out.

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