Generations Apart During Lockdown, A Poetry Book Inspired by Three Generations of One Family During Isolating Times of Lockdown di Hills and Brewers edito da
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Generations Apart During Lockdown, A Poetry Book Inspired by Three Generations of One Family During Isolating Times of Lockdown






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Descrizione Generations Apart During Lockdown, A Poetry Book Inspired by Three Generations of One Family During Isolating Times of Lockdown

Jean Hill, Sharon Hill, Debbie Brewer and Samantha Brewer are three generations of the same family: Jean, a retired secretary, and now a writer; her two daughters: Sharon, an accountant, and Debbie, a retired nurse and driving instructor and now also a writer, and Debbie's daughter, Samantha, an air traffic controller. With the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak and the resulting onset of lockdown, as they each live in four different areas of the country, they decided they would keep in touch by spending an hour every evening on Facetime together. During this time, they chatted, played games and challenged each other to write one poem every day. The result, when all the poems were put together, is this wonderful collection of funny, sad, long and short poems that everybody can relate to. It is an absolute delight to read. As generations are divided And families split apart Until once more we meet again Let love shine in our hearts

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