Gender, Space and Time di Dorothy Moss edito da Lexington Books
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Gender, Space and Time

Women And Higher Education





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Descrizione Gender, Space and Time

Drawing on the work of Henri Lefebvre and Barbara Adam, Gender, Space, and Time is a brilliant study that offers a unique and original threefold conceptualization of how space and time is developed and applied in an empirical study of women's lives. Author Dorothy Moss focuses on the everyday practice and experience of women higher education students at a community college in northern England. Women's action is considered in relation to the complex and interconnected spheres of paid work, home, leisure, community, and higher education. Through highlighting concepts of space and time, the complex relationship between networks of power and personal action gains visibility. Moss conceptualizes women as centers of action and demonstrates the ways in which they construct personal pathways, connect different spheres of experience, integrate new time demands into the multiple rhythms of their everyday lives, and carve out personal space. Gender, Space, and Time is a timely and compelling work, certain to be of interest to scholars of sociology, women's studies, and anthropology.

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