Gender Equality in Post-War Kurdistan di Cameron Compton edito da ALI SHAH PUBLISHER
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Gender Equality in Post-War Kurdistan





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Descrizione Gender Equality in Post-War Kurdistan

This book delves into the impact of gender-inclusive policies, or the absence thereof, on development during conflict transformation, with a specific focus on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Despite the recognized significance of women's presence and gendered policies in peace-building, their integration remains limited, making it challenging to assess their effects. This thesis aims to contribute to this research gap by demonstrating the implications of implementing or neglecting various types of gender-inclusive policies in the unique context of the Kurdistan Region. The Kurdistan Region, having endured decades of armed conflict and currently enjoying autonomy and economic prosperity, presents a distinctive development scenario. The government's focus on reducing conflict potential, achieving international competitiveness, and fostering positive development includes the promotion of gender and women's inclusion in public policies.

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