Gender and environmental security di Nathaniel Stevenson Odusola edito da GRIN Verlag
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Gender and environmental security


GRIN Verlag





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Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Gender Studies, grade: 100, , course: Governance and Public Policy, language: English, abstract: This research essay examined the experiences of women as regards environmental insecurity, as well as the gendered ideas of virtue and vulnerability, on climate change. The argument that men activities are more harmful to the environment is valid because men are adventurous. They develop all the different forms of technologies that hurt the environment. Whereas women are virtuous because they are sensitive to the environmental impact of humankind, thus they are always on the lookout for new ways to protect the environment from degradation. The fact that women are less empowered particularly in under-developed nations makes them vulnerable to the adverse effect of climate change. This aspect of the society where women have no voice in the decision making of the society makes women vulnerable to the outcome of the policy adopted by the male counterparts. That is the reason analysts and policymakers alike are calling for policy mainstreaming on climate change that puts the women at the forefront of policy formulation and administration. The consequence of not allowing women to take part in policy formulation and administration concerning the environment is that any policy made concerning climate change would be ineffective as the male counterparts would not be able to relate issues that affect the women adequately. The various school of thoughts that argued for and against the adverse impact of environmental degradation against women acknowledge the fact that women are vulnerable. The less developed nations are, the worse affected because they lack the relevant technology to manage the impact of climate change. Another reason for the impact of climate change has to do with being unable to manage conflict. The challenges that women face; climate change have to do with water management, the effect that the environment encounter cannot be under-estimated when analyzed alongside the hardship it brings to women. The impact of climate change affects the supply of water apart from other health implications that climate change has on society. Women are vulnerable to environmental difficulties. The argument that women are more environmentally virtuous and can predict the climate more efficiently is valid.

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