'Geee' Giggles My Grammy Who Glides Down Giraffes di Susie Sperber edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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'Geee' Giggles My Grammy Who Glides Down Giraffes







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Descrizione 'Geee' Giggles My Grammy Who Glides Down Giraffes

This is not a riddle: How many lower case letters in the alphabet match their upper case letters? Lucky number 7. That leaves 19 unlucky letters that don¿t match each other. Does ¿A¿ look like ¿ä? NO! This is the first alphabet book of its¿ kind to focus on lower case letters for young readers, helping to eliminate their confusion in learning to write even their own names. This revolutionary book is a child¿s, parent¿s, and teacher¿s ¿dream come true.¿ This is also a book of rhymes, essential for kindergarten readiness. When your child learns to rhyme and write with these lower cases letters, watch his/her confidence blossom. Each page hides a lower case letter for the child to discover. The art is exemplary: every page is an original, breath-taking water color painting. aA bB cC dD eE fF gG hH iI jJ kK lL mM nN oO pP qQ rR sS tT uU vV wW xX yY zZ

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