Gather Up the Fragments di Cynthia Hill edito da XULON PR
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Gather Up the Fragments







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Descrizione Gather Up the Fragments

Dare to take the healing journey with the author to gather up the precious fragments of the heart and piece by piece, let God begin to show you how valuable you are to Him. Before long you'll be glad you are alive and privileged to be a part of His marvelous plan-begin to understand your role in fulfilling his will for you in the lives of others who walk this green earth! Gather up the Fragments intertwines the biblical truths of a familiar gospel miracle and the life experiences of the author in discovering how faith in Jesus Christ provides a way to victoriously face and overcome the deep pains and anguish of the Past. Rev. Cynthia Hill is the pastor of Joy River Baptist Church in Elgin, Illinois. She also ministers as a soloist and conference speaker who passionately encourages all to entrust their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. Her bold and caring ministry crosses ethnic barriers and delivers an anointed healing message of Christ's love and forgiveness for all. She is the mother of three daughters and a son. She has six grandchildren and another soon to be born.

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