The Gardener di Eliza Galvez edito da New Generation Publishing
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The Gardener





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Descrizione The Gardener

There was silence while he paused to restore his composure. He took a gulp of air, then in a complete commanding tone and without hesitation, in a stern voice, he said...... " Today, I give myself and my service to the Imperial Japanese Army." " I am a soldier of Japan." " I am Major Shigehiro Yoshida." As The Gardener faced his true and beloved friend Marta along with the locals, foggy thoughts of shame and loyalty, survival and suicide, self and country raced across his troubled head. Barrio Obrero gave him a family, a life and saved him from a near death illness. Can he separate his deep attachment with the natives and obey his orders from Japan, his own country now at war with the Philippines and betray his adopted country he once called his home? He lost everything, is death the bitter reward for an honourable soldier?

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