The Games Boys Play di LMFT Yameen Chestnut edito da
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The Games Boys Play

Decoding the Secret World of Men in Modern Relationships, Their Tendencies and How to Win in Love






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Descrizione The Games Boys Play

What if the key to unlocking the best from within your relationship were just a matter of understanding key qualities and attributes that could ultimately help your relationship not just survive, but transform through challenges inherent to most relationships today. What if there were a way to take away all the complication from your relationship and see it in a new way, making way for deeper understanding and connection. In "The Games Boys Play", the never-ending argument surrounding what men and women want out of a relationship is viewed from a fresh and relatable perspective. With refreshing insight, the "why's" and "what's" about the inner "games" or behaviors men unconsciously, and occasionally intentionally play are explored and framed in a perspective that gets women ever-so closer to understanding their partners, and more importantly, propels men toward growth opportunities to be better partners, and even better, emotionally evolved, more-complete versions of themselves. All this leading to new ways to play the game we call LOVE, avoiding common situational lures, unlearning destructive behavioral and thought patterns, managing expectations and avoiding the idealism that sets many relationships on unnecessary paths of destruction.

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