GameChanger for Women Vol.1: Career Development for Women With Ambition di Laura Trendall edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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GameChanger for Women Vol.1: Career Development for Women With Ambition

Career Development for Women With Ambition





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Descrizione GameChanger for Women Vol.1: Career Development for Women With Ambition

GameChanger for Women: Vol 1 is a handbook for women with ambition, who want to get more out of their personal lives and professional careers, to be happy, balanced, successful and fulfilled. This volume will give you must-have tips and is split into helpful sections; Focus and Effectiveness : How to Power Up Your Productivity Making Your Personal Brand Shine Creating Your Powerful Network Action and Accountability The book is simple, pragmatic and down to earth. It is designed to be a companion to all women who want to make a bigger impact in the world of business. If you want to reach your full potential without stress and struggle, and want to know what works, this is the book for you. Written from the heart, this book is a handbook to deal with some of the real-life challenges encountered daily by women and business owners, and gives direct and proven advice that really works. When you purchase this book, you'll also be invited to join the GameChanger Community, an online resource to network with like-minded women. GameChanger for Women was drawn from several years of personal research by Laura Trendall, former Chair of the BT Women's Network and founder of The GameChanger Consultancy. With a career spanning 25 years in Technology and Leadership, Laura has coached and developed women in business at all levels, from the early graduates starting careers, up to C-suite Leaders and Founders. GameChanger for Women was originally launched as a women's development programme in 2016, and now the first Volume is available as a publication, with further Volumes planned for publication in 2023. If you are ready to make a difference to your life and career, hit the "add to cart" button, and we'll see you on the other side.

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