The Game Remains But The Players Change! di P. LOS edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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The Game Remains But The Players Change!

How Do You Want To Be Remembered By Your Love Ones?





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Descrizione The Game Remains But The Players Change!

This book is about seeing the real world and people from another perspective, and not the imaginary world of how people and the world ought to be. Real street players and men of business don't see the real world with a mindset of hopes and dreams, nor with mediocre views. They see the world as it is, and how people truly are. Real players and business men see people based on their desires, wants and emotional experiences. Some of those experiences whether past or present has forced people to become rigid and selfish for survival, protection, getting money, secret relationships, emotionally with-drawn due to their emotional and psychological pain from past experiences, and dealing with those trust issues to conceal and never reveal themselves and always have the upper hand in any situation.This book is based on reality and not theories.

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