Gained A Daughter But Nearly Lost My Mind: How I Planned A Backyard Wedding During A Pandemic di Marlene Fischer edito da Distributed Via Smashwords
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Gained A Daughter But Nearly Lost My Mind: How I Planned A Backyard Wedding During A Pandemic

How I Planned A Backyard Wedding During A Pandemic





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Descrizione Gained A Daughter But Nearly Lost My Mind: How I Planned A Backyard Wedding During A Pandemic

The author's son gets engaged to his long-time girlfriend and the couple starts planning their wedding. When the coronavirus turns the world upside down, the bride and groom are unsure how to proceed. After weighing their options they decide to go ahead with their original wedding date but changed the event from a 220-plus person hotel wedding in Washington D.C. to a micro-wedding in his parent's backyard in Westchester County, New York. The groom's mom becomes the wedding planner, a role she never expected. With all of her kids at home and a pandemic raging, she discovers that making the wedding perfect is harder than she anticipates. From feeding and keeping safe the army that had filled her formerly empty nest, to making the "venue" beautiful, to the Phish connection, the book is a compilation of funny and touching stories from the months leading up to the wedding and the big day itself. This book is for anyone who has ever planned a wedding or found themselves in the middle of a pandemic.

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