The Future of Our Liberties di Stephen C. Halpern edito da Greenwood Press
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The Future of Our Liberties

Perspectives on the Bill of Rights





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Descrizione The Future of Our Liberties

?An informative and provocative collection of 14 essays on the individual and the state. Especially helpful to readers as they examine constitutional issues in the decade of the 200th birthday of the Constitution are the Paul Murphy and A. T. Mason essays on the history of the Bill of Rights, Thomas I. Emerson's conjectures about the First Amendment in 2000, the two essays on mental illness, Frances Fox Piven's critique of public education, the economic liberty essays pointing out that sanity might enter that area of public policy, plus two pieces on freedom of religion and how that might or might not change....the book is a bargain for serious discussions that affect our daily lives. Highly recommended for high school, college, university, and public libraries.?-Choice

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