The Future of the European Foreign Security and Defence Policy After Enlargement di Gisela Muller-Brandeck-Bocquet edito da Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

The Future of the European Foreign Security and Defence Policy After Enlargement





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Descrizione The Future of the European Foreign Security and Defence Policy After Enlargement

Along with the 2004 enlargement of the EU - where new countries with new external priorities and orientations have joined the EU - Europe's Foreign, Security, and Defense policy (CFSP/ESDP) has developed rapidly. In order to evaluate their possible influence on the future of CFSP and ESDP, experts from some of the new member states discuss their countries' commitment to the integration project of strengthening the EU's external role. The impression prevails that the newcomers favor a "pro-European Atlanticism" in order to meet European, as well as American, expectations. Furthermore, their major concerns in foreign policy are addressing Russia. Will these options weaken the EU's Foreign, Security, and Defense policy or rather lead to new chances and strength? This book examines these concerns and analyzes the present state of the European Union's capacities to act on the international stage.

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