Funny Side Up: Senior Citizen Scenarios di S. L. Varnado edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Funny Side Up: Senior Citizen Scenarios

Senior Citizen Scenarios







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Descrizione Funny Side Up: Senior Citizen Scenarios

Aging is a serious business that combines memory lapses with cholesterol counts and fixed incomes. In Funny Side Up, a former columnist for the Mobile Press Register shares a collection of unabashed, unapologetic short stories that provide an amusing glimpse into the whirlwind life and opinions of a typical senior citizen living in the twenty-first century. Through exaggerated satire, Varnado offers a variety of tales with a potpourri of characters and events that detail the yearly visit of a cigar-smoking guardian angel whose unrealistic optimism drives him insane; a wife's heroic campaign against the machinations of the banking industry; and an encounter with Rasputin Bloodworthy, car dealer extraordinaire. All this combined with an investigation into the political correctness of Santa Claus, a cholesterholic who has a sudden urge for a candy bar, and three stooges who want nothing more than to cap the BP oil spill makes for an unforgettable look into the bizarre entities that accompany the cockamamie journey into senior citizenship. Funny Side Up mixes nostalgia with a giant dose of humor as a senior citizen shares a hilarious tales of learning to survive in a modern world.

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