The Fundamentals Of Life di Isaiah Vander Maas edito da LifeRich Publishing
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The Fundamentals Of Life





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Descrizione The Fundamentals Of Life

The Fundamentals of Life explores life from a Christian perspective, focusing on what prevents so many of us from being successful. Too often, people fail to overcome obstacles because they have the wrong mindset-and it's time to identify shortcomings, seek to overcome them, and look to God for guidance. After all, He is the one who gives us the chance to be successful, and all good things come from Him. When you fully trust God and give your mind to Him, He will expand you and grow you in ways you never thought possible. By applying the lessons in this book, you'll be able to: - leverage the law of attraction to bring the positive into your life; - take control of fear and use it for motivation; - identify mentors to help you on your journey; - take a technician's approach to life rather than a lab rat's approach. The big takeaway is that to navigate the complexities of life, you must have a positive mindset-and believe in the Lord. Find out how to do it, step by step, with this guidebook to life.

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