Fundamentals of Computer Network Analysis and Engineering di J. Radz edito da iUniverse
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Fundamentals of Computer Network Analysis and Engineering

Basic approaches for solving problems in the networked computing environment







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Descrizione Fundamentals of Computer Network Analysis and Engineering

Within the onslaught of new technology, the computer specialist's view has become clouded. The logic on which a computer network is built has been buried under decades of hardware and software marketing and an assault of facts that apply only to specific areas. As the amount of detail that pertains to a network in any given facility increases, individuals are expected to master the network, and assembly and retention of all detail becomes a seemingly impossible task. Before embarking on a career in information technology or following a technical certification path, you need to obtain the basic perspective required to build technical knowledge by way of observation and be able to solve problems at the source using that knowledge. Instead of continually digesting detail upon technical detail, discover how to obtain high-level perspective on the relationships and similarities between those and future details. The analogies in Fundamentals of Computer Network Analysis and Engineering will help you build a foundation for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Erase the blackboard, grab the chalk, and prepare to map new territory.

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