Front Runners: Lap Your Competition with 10 Game-Changing Strategies for Total Business Transformation di Mahesh Rao edito da BASCOM Hill Publishing Group

Front Runners: Lap Your Competition with 10 Game-Changing Strategies for Total Business Transformation





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Descrizione Front Runners: Lap Your Competition with 10 Game-Changing Strategies for Total Business Transformation

Discover how industry leaders get ahead and stay there, and how you can apply the same skills and strategies to your business and personal lives. In this book, Mahesh Rao shares his ten strategic steps of business transformation, used by numerous executives of Fortune 100 companies during the last decade. You will learn to: Assess and analyze your current situation Nurture leaders at all levels Proactively identify and resolve potential challenges and roadblocks Build a learning organization that thrives on change Innovate and build products and services customers love to use Assist cross-functional teams in being more effective Improve communication at all levels Make critical decisions faster, with deeper buy-in from stakeholders Win the hearts and minds of individuals, so they share and work toward your organization's goals "Front Runners'" step-by-step program includes case studies, illustrations, graphs, glossary, and bibliography.

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