From World War II to the Run of the Year di Deborah Dilks edito da
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From World War II to the Run of the Year






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Descrizione From World War II to the Run of the Year

Twenty year old Benny Scott returned from World War II to enter college in Arkansas, where he found love and fame by running 125 yards for the 1949 Run of the Year. This book covers Benny's life experiences from growing up in Smackover, Arkansas to serving in the Navy during World War II, to working for Standard Oil Company and moving to Independence, Missouri. The book explores family life in the late 1920s and 1930s as well as a little of the history of Smackover and Paragould, Arkansas. Growing up on a farm in southern Arkansas, Benny and his siblings had many interesting experiences that often help them later in life especially Benny and his brother who was in the NFL. Football was an integral part of Benny's younger life opening up many opportunities for him to explore. After his Run of the Year in the Junior Rose Bowl, one of those opportunities was meeting several movie actors. In 2020 Benny is still alive and living with his youngest daughter, Susie. He is still very active with golfing and socializing with his friends at the local VFW. Readers interested in football history, WWII history or just a fun read about an interesting fellow, will like this book.

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