From Self To God di Anonymous edito da Iuniverse
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From Self To God







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Descrizione From Self To God

Most people imagine God as being in heaven, and heaven as being very far away-up there in the clouds, or in nature, or out in space somewhere. Consequently, our prayers seem to travel out from us and just fade away or dissipate into the void. After many years of searching, Max, the story's main character, discovers that God is much closer than he had ever imagined. He learns a simple method of connecting with God and feeling His Presence, anytime and anywhere. This method is available to everyone. While the story uses the example of an alcoholic life transformed, the spiritual journey is a universal experience. We all seek the same connection and communication. Here is presented the simplest of all possible ways to achieve that experience. From Self to God is dedicated to every human being who feels out of place, out of time, separate, or alone. The author's fondest wish is that this story will help you find a state of serenity and peace more comforting than anything you may have imagined.

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