From Seed to Salad di Frank Salerno edito da iUniverse
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From Seed to Salad

A Step-By-Step Manual for Backyard Gardening







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Descrizione From Seed to Salad

How to turn your backyard garden into a Green Machine. There is something supremely satisfying about pulling out of the backyard garden a big head of crisp lettuce, a half-dozen ripe, red tomatoes, a basketful of Sugar Snap peas, or any one of the dozen or more fresh vegetables growing there. Well, you too can turn your backyard into a cornucopia of plenty from spring through summer and fall, and you don't need a green thumb. All you need is a little know-how. This book can bring you there. In exacting detail, it will take you step-by-step into the world of gardening, teaching you how to: * Build your own plant incubator and cold frame. * Start your own seedlings in the middle of winter. * Harness the sun. * Turn poor soil into gardener's gold. * Collect and use rainwater. * Stretch out your garden space. * Grow super sized vegetables. * And utilize dozens of tricks to turn your little plot of land into a Green Machine. With this book, new gardeners can learn how to do it, and experienced gardeners can learn how to do it better. If you like fresh veggies, you'll love this book.

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