From Ethekwini with a Queen di Shabani S. Mngazija edito da New Generation Publishing
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From Ethekwini with a Queen





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Descrizione From Ethekwini with a Queen

When Shungu Gao travels from Tanzania to South Africa to complete his studies, time begins to hang heavily on his hands. Though the city of eThekwini (Durban) offers many attractions, he feels incomplete without his wife. To relieve his boredom and loneliness, he visits a cultural display in the PheZulu Safari Park, where an intriguing possibility is offered - the chance to choose and marry a Zulu maiden. For someone as spontaneous and impulsive as Shungu, with his enquiring mind, poetic imagination and romantic soul, the temptation is too much to resist, especially when he sets eyes on the captivating Nonkululeko... And so begins a chain of events that is thrilling, hilarious and poignant by turns. Packed with insight into the kaleidoscope of cultures that is present-day Africa, From eThekwini with a Queen is a vividly told tale that will fascinate and delight in equal measure.

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