From Death to Life di Jolanda Mosley edito da AuthorHouse
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From Death to Life







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Descrizione From Death to Life

Many times in life God impregnates us with a dream, but during the course of the process our pregnancy of purpose we feel as though the sacrifices and nurturing is all in vain. However, it is at the time that we are closer to delivery than ever before. From Death to Life explores and parallels the process of natural birth and spiritual birth in a manner that is uncanning. Jolanda Mosley has opened the door of her own past and pain in order to serve as a mid-wife to those who are pregnant with purpose. The candid discussion that takes place is like none you have ever read! You have an adversary who is orchestrating the plans to kill the baby of your dreams, aspirations and your life destiny. But hold on, the enemy's plans cannot succeed, because God is the Father of your baby! He is in total control of every situation. From the first page to the last, you will be told to breathe, push, bare-down and scream if you must, but whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP!

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