From Chaos to Love di Liz Danielle edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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From Chaos to Love

The Battle Within





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Descrizione From Chaos to Love

Throughout my life, I longed for something while I felt empty inside. I sought what I thought I needed from the outside, always chasing what would temporarily fill the void. The moment I stopped the chase, I felt defeated, thinking I would never find it. As I lived my life in safety, slinking into the warmth of complacency, I lowered my expectations. While trying to achieve happiness through a comfortably numb state of mind, I was ignited by a power so strong. I couldn't help but follow it as it called out to me. This power was love. It awakened me. This power was what I was destined for. I followed the flame as it exposed my darkness, bringing me closer to the light. Through uncomfortable obstacles and chaos, I found my purpose. I finally found the power that had lain dormant within me the entire time.

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