From Caracas to Stockholm: A Life in Medical Science di Baruj Benacerraf edito da PROMETHEUS BOOKS
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From Caracas to Stockholm: A Life in Medical Science

A Life In Medical Science





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Descrizione From Caracas to Stockholm: A Life in Medical Science

In this delightful and often humorous memoir, Nobel Laureate Dr. Baruj Benacerraf discusses the colorful history of his family and how they shaped his values and goals, his marriage to life-partner Annette, and his career in medical research. He reflects on his decision to specialize in immunology, recent advances in medicine, the challenges of being chief administrator of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and the extraordinary experience of winning the Nobel Prize in medicine (with G. D. Snell) in 1980. Dr. Benacerraf offers valuable insights into the future of education in general and medical education in particular, both tempered with great compassion and hope for humanity.

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