From Africa to America di Emma Eminash edito da iUniverse
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From Africa to America

A Coat of Many Colors







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Descrizione From Africa to America

Life is about confronting challenges and living our dreams. And for one young girl growing up in East Africa, overcoming negativity and striving for the American dream would be her greatest journey. In From Africa to America: A Coat of Many Colors, author Emma Eminash shares a fearless chronicle of her migration from Africa to America. Speaking to the differences between life in Africa and life in America-covering topics like spirituality, culture, and dating and marriage-Emma shares touching and humorous stories about adjusting to American life both professionally and personally, and she also gives advice for how to master the clichés of pop culture in the United States. And for newcomers to American soil, her testimony will especially provide valuable lessons about the lifestyle and the people they are likely to encounter each day. From her most sorrowful, vile moments to the fortunate joys and pleasures of living in both Africa and the United States, Emma shows how we can defeat our inner battles against anger, jealousy, loneliness, offense, self-consciousness, and other negative emotions-all the while providing a guidebook for helping people adjust to new lives in a new culture. Seeing the world through multicultural eyes will offer a wisdom that is universal and that speaks to people of all ethnic, religious, and cultural identities.

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