Friedelind Wagner - Die rebellische Enkelin Richard Wagners di Eva Rieger edito da Olms Georg AG
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Friedelind Wagner - Die rebellische Enkelin Richard Wagners





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Descrizione Friedelind Wagner - Die rebellische Enkelin Richard Wagners

The rebel of the Green Hill She was considered the 'black sheep' of the family, but Friedelind Wagner determinedly went her own way: the only one of the Bayreuth clan to resist the Nazis, she fled to the USA. After the war she returned to Germany but found a cool welcome. The family did everything to oust the 'traitor' from the struggle over the coveted leadership of the festival... Eva Rieger has written the first major biography of Richard Wagner's granddaughter, telling the story of a woman who broke away not only from Hitler's Germany but from her own family. "This is not just a biography for opera lovers, or Wagner fans, but for any historian interested in the dilemmas and compromises every professional artist was forced to make in order to survive in Hitler's hell. It's engagingly written, with real empathy for Leider; yet whilst presenting a sympathetic account, Rieger does not remain unquestioning." (

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€ 19.77
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