French Fry Leadership: How to Attain Profits Through Serving People di Bruno Hilgart edito da KOEHLER BOOKS
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French Fry Leadership: How to Attain Profits Through Serving People

How to Attain Profits Through Serving People



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Descrizione French Fry Leadership: How to Attain Profits Through Serving People

Great leaders are needed now more than ever. The trouble is that most leaders are not taught how to inspire their teams. Want to learn how to get the people you manage passionate about what they do each day? In French Fry Leadership: How to Attain Profits Through Serving People, Bruno calls on his thirty-plus years of experience in the quick-service restaurant world to show the value of profiting in ways besides money. He describes easily understandable methods to keep team members excited, committed, and motivated to perform any and all tasks by exploring what true "servant" leadership is all about-while applying these principles to their teams, their guests, and their vendor partners. French Fry Leadership demonstrates the value of the premise that when leaders take care of their people properly, the numbers take care of themselves.

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