Frankie's Kingdom: Winning in the Face of Uncertainty di Deon Stevens edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Frankie's Kingdom: Winning in the Face of Uncertainty





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Descrizione Frankie's Kingdom: Winning in the Face of Uncertainty

I believe that Deon is a strategic champion of a Glorious Grace revolution taking place throughout the earth. This is not a book of empty froth, bubbles and shadows but it has the substance of rich unveiled truth unfolding in a supernatural sequence of liberating revelation that will set your heart racing with joy and inspire a fresh love for Jesus. All things are possible to a people set free from uncertainty, confusion and condemnation. Thank you so much Deon for your courage and compassion. I honor you and salute you in His abundant Grace.Rob Rufus, Pastor of City Church International Hong Kong.In Frankie's Kingdom, Deon Stevens challenges many misconceptions of who God is and how He wants us to serve and enjoy Him. Deon is courageous in addressing the frustrations many Christians face in church life and paints a powerful picture of the Grace of God that can bring us into a new freedom in Christ. Frankie's Kingdom offers us a new alternative: the truth can set you free from living a dull and boring life. I highly recommend it.Peter Meyer, Pastor of Fremantle Freedom Christian Centre, Perth, AustraliaDeon's book is such a voice...a voice that invalidates guilt. It is a message that is in stark contrast to the condemnation that many have experienced in religious teachings. It unfolds the attitude and heart behind the teachings of Jesus. In this book I can hear the voice of God again, as in John 8 saying: "I do not condemn you".Andre Rabe, Author of Adventures in Christ, UK

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