FPGA based Digital filtering for different applications di Venkatalakshmaiah Madiga, Sreenivasamurthy Ke edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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FPGA based Digital filtering for different applications





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Descrizione FPGA based Digital filtering for different applications

Digital filtering plays a vital role. In fact it is the key performance of the filters, which made DSP with FPGAs so popular. Such filters have two important roles to play, namely, signal separation and signal restoration. When a signal is buried in noise, then filters perform signal separation. On the other hand, signal restoration done by the filters when they are distorted. The entire book is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is introductory.It deals with the Digital Signal Processing, its applications, for example Radars, VHDL introduction, FPGA applications and advantages. Previous work carried out in the design of signal processing system using FPGA by various researchers is presented in the form of literature survey, in Chapter 2. Two topics of paramount importance and which supports the book work is: signal processing system based on FPGA using VHDL language. Chapter 3 includes brief architecture of FPGA:ALTERA and XILINX. Chapter 4 deals with the present work which explains the design of Digital filter(FIR/IIR) Filter with the FPGA for different applications. Results and discussions are mentioned in Chapter 5.

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