Four Fifty-Plus Fools Flit Fru France di Mike Newton edito da iUniverse

Four Fifty-Plus Fools Flit Fru France

Four over-fifty year old men tour France, cycle over 900 miles from Biarritz to Caen, and pass through 16 towns twinned with British towns raising mon







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Descrizione Four Fifty-Plus Fools Flit Fru France

Four over-fifty year old cyclists fly into Biarritz, have a days rest to acclimatize then set off back to Teesside passing through sixteen towns twinned with British towns and arrive in Caen after eighteen days. The route included the Pyrenees, the Dordogne, the Loire Valley and Normandy. Money was raised for five charities. The reader of Four Fifty-Plus Fools Flit Fru France will find the book wonderfully entertaining and full of amusing and interesting digressions. The route was certainly challenging for old legs and their "biffons" were severely tested, with one cyclist suffering from "white penis syndrome". Letters and emails were sent out to all the twinned towns mayors in hopes that crowds would line the streets as they arrived. The reception from all the French people that they met on the way was outstanding. They were greeted by dancing in the main square in Biarritz and bunting on display in many towns that they passed through. The latter part of the ride passed through towns historically rich in Second World War stories.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 15.92

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