Forty Fathoms Deep di Ion Idriess edito da ETT Imprint
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Forty Fathoms Deep

Pearl Divers & Sea Rovers In Australian Seas


ETT Imprint





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Descrizione Forty Fathoms Deep

Pearl divers & sea rovers in Australian seas. Mr. Idriess reveals to the reader the technique of pearling with him, the reader boards the lugger for the pearling grounds, makes the acquaintance of the skipper and crew, dons the diving dress and descends to the sea floor, sees the wonders of a new and beautiful, fascinating and frightful world, shares the divers' dangers, gathers the shell, opens it on the lugger, thrills at the sight of baroque and pearls, sells them to the dealer and watches as the rough pearl is transformed by delicate and skilful hands into a thing of exquisite loveliness. - Canberra Times, 1937 His extraordinary thoroughness in inquiry... his almost microscopic accuracy of observation, and his almost poetic gift of natural description - not to speak of narrative power often seen in harmonious combination with this cannot be too often insisted upon as positive and peculiar merits. - Sydney Morning Herald, 1937

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