Formulation and Validation of Control Release Tablets of Aceclofenac di Pavan Dahake, Narendra Phupate, Rajesh Mandade edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Formulation and Validation of Control Release Tablets of Aceclofenac





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Descrizione Formulation and Validation of Control Release Tablets of Aceclofenac

Control release matrix tablets used for extend the release of drug by the use of natural polymers which reduces the cost as well as side effects. Controlled drug delivery systems have been developed which are capable of controlling the rate of drug delivery, sustaining the duration of therapeutic activity and/or targeting the delivery of drug to a tissue. Controlled drug delivery usually results in substantially constant blood levels of the active ingredient as compared to the uncontrolled fluctuations observed when multiple doses of quick releasing conventional dosage forms are administered to a patient.

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