Formononetin and Broiler Performance di Raja N. A. Khan, M. Farooq Iqbal, Nasir Mukhtar edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Formononetin and Broiler Performance

Growth, Immunity and Meat Quality





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Descrizione Formononetin and Broiler Performance

There is a strong relation founded between growth and immune status of bird. Different additives in poultry feed is being tested to evaluate their effects on immune response of poultry bird. Among flavonoid the soya Isoflavone are also considered important for this purpose. A study was conducted to examine the effect of two different levels of dietary formononetin isoflavone as growth promoter on various economic traits, immune response, carcass yield and meat quality of broilers. This trial has produced very useful data & on the basis of this data it may be concluded that the isoflavonoid formononetin promoted growth, dressing percentage, improved FCR, enhanced immunity level besides improving quality of meat in term of tenderness & likeness. It is recommended that more trials on evaluation of formononetin as feed additive having growth promoting effect can be conducted with combination of different NGPs.

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