Forever Will di Thomas Kidwell edito da LifeRich Publishing
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Forever Will

...from The Ashes Of War





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Descrizione Forever Will

Residing in rural southern Oklahoma, it's only been within the last seven years that Thomas Kidwell has come to fully express his passion for writing. In his novel, Forever Will, he writes about a very unlikely romance that is patterned after a true-life event that unfolded in Virginia during the turbulent years of the Civil War and the reconstruction years thereafter. That such a romance could flourish between two seemingly opposite people would be difficult to fathom in today's society, but such a romance not only occurred, it endured. Thomas leads us by the hand while we experience the daily toils, traumas, and passions of two very special people-people who arose from the ashes of war to make a better life for themselves. "Forever Will is truly a fascinating read with a distinct message sent to us over the span of time: Love will endure." -Dr. H. Norman Stillwell "I have known Tom for over thirty years now, yet it's always been impossible for me to predict what he will do next. At seventy years of age, Tom sums it up best in his own words when he says, "I still haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up." -Dr. David Landis

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