Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts: Mapping, Modeling, and Managing for Sustainable Livelihood edito da ELSEVIER
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Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts: Mapping, Modeling, and Managing for Sustainable Livelihood







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Descrizione Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts: Mapping, Modeling, and Managing for Sustainable Livelihood

Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts presents modern remote sensing and GIS techniques for Sustainable Livelihood. It provides an up-to-date critical analysis of the discourse surrounding forest resources and society, illustrating the relationship between forest resources and the livelihood of local people. The book is organized into four parts consisting of 31 chapters. Each chapter then reviews current understanding, present research, and future implications. Utilizing case studies and novel advances in geospatial technologies, Forest Resources Resilience and Conflicts provides a timely synthesis of a rapidly growing field and stimulates ideas for future work, especially considering sustainable development goals.In addition, the book presents the effective contribution of the forestry sector to populations¿ livelihoods through improved collection of forestry statistics that foster the understanding and integration of the forestry sector in poverty reduction processes and the national economy to enhance its integration in national planning. It is a valuable resource for researchers and students in environmental science, especially those interested in forestry, geography, and remote sensing.

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