Forensic Mental Health Evaluations in the Digital Age edito da Springer International Publishing
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Forensic Mental Health Evaluations in the Digital Age

A Practitioner's Guide to Using Internet-Based Data





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Descrizione Forensic Mental Health Evaluations in the Digital Age

This is the first book devoted to the use of social media and other internet-derived data in forming forensic clinical opinions of behavior. Designed for mental health practitioners, it outlines the challenges and the benefits of incorporating digital information in forensic assessments. It offers best practice guidelines geared to both criminal and civil psycho-legal questions. Each chapter includes a brief overview of the psycho-legal issues, clinical applications of consulting internet-based data, ethical and legal considerations and real life, de-identified case examples. This book provides guidance to the clinician in an emerging technological environment in which there are few resources, and ensures a more scientific and legally sound practice.

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