Foreign Employment from Nepal di Ritu Raj Bhandari edito da VDM Verlag
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Foreign Employment from Nepal


VDM Verlag





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Although Nepal has a very long history of labour migration and foreign employment, recently it has become one of the major ways of earning among Nepalese youngsters. Nepalese are working abroad as skilled, semi skilled and largely as unskilled labourers especially in India, Gulf States and Malaysia. Migrants are sending money to their family and changes are seen in socio-economic and cultural activities. People have different motives for migration and area of remittance investment varies among migrants. Foreign employment has brought several impacts in rural economy, agriculture and social cohesion. Farmers have developed their own labour system, organized local institutions, utilized their own resources and introduced technology to overcome the labour scarcity and minimize the impacts of labour migration. Addressing on these relevant and emerging issues of rural Nepalese villages and farmers, this book will be useful for researchers and different organizations working in the field of international labour migration in developing countries. In this book, therefore, author tries to give an interesting and changing picture of rural Nepal by foreign employment.

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