Z For Zanto: Even Zombies Can Dream di JAYNE LYONS edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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Z For Zanto: Even Zombies Can Dream

Even Zombies Can Dream





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Descrizione Z For Zanto: Even Zombies Can Dream

Zanto dreams of playing soccer for Real Magique. The problem is that no team wants you when you're green and have fangs! Along with the rest of the zombie-kids, Zanto and his friend Nala, a stick-twirling UFC fan, are sent to The Island. They live behind high wire fences-with no hope of a future. When Il Presido announces the Hope Games for children, Zanto's dream of scoring in a cup final is revived. But first, he must lead his friends on a daring escape from The Island. And even if they succeed, will he convince the world that being green doesn't make him dangerous?

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