For Such a Time As This di Danielle Kiefer edito da
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For Such a Time As This






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Descrizione For Such a Time As This

Recently transferring to Central Bible College from Columbia, I really had no idea what I was doing anymore. I had gone up to Columbia because God wanted me to go and pursue sign language and writing. When it was announced that Columbia would be dropping the sign language department, I was crushed. I didn't really have many options anyway since my program was so specialized.There were a couple Bible schools I could go to also, but for whatever reason, I was determined to never go to a Bible school. Funny how God works; I've noticed a pattern that whenever I say, "I wish I could do that, but I just can't," or "I'm never ever doing that." God has a way of making it happen. Transferring to CBC would be a perfect example and would thus far be the biggest. So there I was on the chapel steps of Central Bible College wondering to myself, what in the world am I doing here? And despite the countless doubts plaguing my mind, God was already beginning to mold me like clay in His hands and I didn't even know it yet.

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