For the Love of Spirit di Liz Winter edito da Balboa Press
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For the Love of Spirit

A Medium Memoir


Balboa Press





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Descrizione For the Love of Spirit

For the Love of Spirit was created to inspire, uplift, and entertain. This is a true story of an average girl, Liz, who became a psychic medium and went on to inspire many. Based in Australia, the story tells of synchronistic events from the 1960s to the present time, from the author's first psychic experience at the age of four to learning and later teaching psychic development, giving private readings and public demonstrations. For the Love of Spirit includes not only memoir but offers insights and wisdom to further one's knowledge about spirit communication, spiritual protection, angels, and spirit guides. Liz struggles with love, with parenting and basic survival, and yet all along has the support of Spirit and her personal spirit guide, White Owl. An enchanting memoir, creatively woven with insight and wisdom.

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