For the Love of Dragons di Jennakay Francis edito da Writers Exchange E-Publishing
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For the Love of Dragons



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Descrizione For the Love of Dragons

Pepin Merripen, now a young man of fourteen, has forged a strong bond with the elves. So when Queen El'leigh of Mere Odain informs him that the dragons have disappeared, he is torn between his allegiance and his love for the dragons. Still, he is steadfast in his loyalty to his father, Treyas Merripen, and refuses El'leigh's request to join her in the search. Furious, El'leigh sends Pepin's love, Nila, to the wilds of South Kelta, the last known place of the dragons. As she suspected, Pepin quickly follows before any harm befalls Nila. No sooner have the two young lovers arrived in Kelta, than they are captured by Keltin warriors, who quickly ascertain that they have the DragonMaster in their grasp. And if they can force Pepin to make the dragons do their bidding, they'll regain their lost advantage in Mere Odain. All they have to do is use Nila as incentive.

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