Footprints in Stone di Mohammed Azher Siddiqui edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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Footprints in Stone





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Those that follow international migration commonly agree on the fact that the late twentieth century has been the age of migration. However, human migration started about two million years ago and continues to the present. The author hails from India and immigrated to the United States in the late twentieth century. Researching his ancestors' migration patterns led to the interesting but not surprising discovery that they, too, migrated to India from different parts of the world. Migration impacts culture, and that effect is captured in some period photographs that are part of this book. Footprints in stone, however, is not just about the past. It also speaks to contemporary life in the United States of America and then ventures to look to the future to what could be possible if we take care of the myriad challenges that humans face in the first quarter of the twenty-first century. The readers of Footprints in stone in 2089 will hopefully gain from reading about the past, but they will be the only ones to see if the author's predictions were accurate.

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