The Folk Art of Japanese Country Cooking: A Traditional Diet for Today's World di Gaki Homma, Gaku Homma edito da NORTH ATLANTIC BOOKS
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The Folk Art of Japanese Country Cooking: A Traditional Diet for Today's World

A Traditional Diet For Today's World





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Descrizione The Folk Art of Japanese Country Cooking: A Traditional Diet for Today's World

Those who love Japanese food know there is more to it than sukiyaki, tempura, and sushi. A variety of miso-based soups, one-pot cooking ("nabemono"), and vegetable side dishes with sweet vinegar dressing ("sunomono") are just a few of the traditional dishes that are attracting many interested in Asian cooking. Homma presents an intriguing mixture of Japanese country cooking, folk tradition, and memories of growing up in Japan. Cooking methods include techniques for chopping vegetables, making udon and soba noodles, making tofu and using various tofu products, and making rich soup stocks. This is a book to use and treasure for its traditional Japanese cooking methods.

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