Flying Over the Golden Arches di Donald R. Conley edito da Beaver's Pond Press

Flying Over the Golden Arches





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Descrizione Flying Over the Golden Arches

From the streets of Depression-era Chicago to the skies over war-torn Europe, from the cockpit of a World War II Martin Marauder B-26 bomber to a vice president's desk in the first corporate offices of Ray Kroc's McDonald's Corporation, from the wreckage of a near-fatal car crash in which he almost lost his young family to the busy dining rooms of his grown children's McDonald's stores, Don Conley tells the story of what it takes to grab opportunity when it passes by and to make opportunity when it doesn't. Relaying the pivotal role Conley played in the development of McDonald's ubiquitous symbol, the golden arches, this memoir is the story of a businessman of vision, a father in love with his family, a decorated U.S. Army bomber pilot who brought his men home mission after mission, and a man grateful for the chance to meet life and all of its unknowns head on.

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