Flying and Falling di Lynda Tomalin edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Flying and Falling





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Descrizione Flying and Falling

Shortlisted for the 2022 Storylines Tessa Duder Award Hollie is learning to live with depression. She's working hard to put the darkest days behind her. She's got a job she loves, friends she cares about, and she's coping. In fact, she's doing pretty well. Then a mysterious - and gorgeous - new boy shows up at school. Jonathan is running away from his past. Weighed down by a guilty secret, he's fled to his aunt's rural property under the guise of helping out on the farm. As Hollie and Jonathan are unexpectedly thrown together, a growing mutual attraction scares and excites them. But the past isn't so easy to escape, and they both have to decide if it's enough to keep hiding, from themselves and from each other. Or can they risk hoping for more? CW: This book contains detailed descriptions of mental health struggles, particularly depression.

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