Flowers and Promises  A True Story di Hanna Vanora edito da
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Flowers and Promises A True Story






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Descrizione Flowers and Promises A True Story

In writing this book, I would like to relate the pattern of domestic abuse and its affect on my own life and others around me. Maybe you know someone in a similar situation or you yourself are in this type of situation. After leaving the destructive cycle I was in, I felt inspired with an overwhelming need to share my experiences and to reach out to others that may be going through similar circumstances. As you read this true story, look for the characteristics (listed at the beginning of this book) that each person had, the unhealthy patterns in my relationships, and how my thought perceptions kept me in it for so long. The end of this book contains useful information on how to get help for yourself or someone you know, and how to create a safety plan. This book has a powerful story that will bring to light what many are going through and may be the first step toward getting help. It is a valuable resource for victims, advocates, shelters, counselors, health care facilities, and family/friends of victims!

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